Here is a list of questions my group has brainstormed over.
(some may be the same question twice or close to it. this is just a random list each group member came up )
- Do you usually see the same faces in the lunch lines?
- Do you consider the meals served to be healthy?
-Do the kids usually tend to buy the same meals?
-Do you consider the meals served in the cafeteria to be healthy?
- What are you doing to improve the health of your students?
-Do the kids usually eat all of their lunch? If not, which parts aren't they eating?
-How did you company decide on the meals you serve?
- Is the health of the children a top priority?
-Are the children eating all of the food they bring from home?
-Do you consider their packed meals to be healthy?
-How many of the students buy lunch?
-Is it always the same children?
-What type of meals are the parents packing their children?
- Do the children eat all of their lunch?
- Do certain children have generally the same lunch every day?
- What percentage of kids have fruit in their lunch?
- What is the most popular food that children have in their lunch?
- If the children don't have a lunch, what are their options at school?
- Is there a certain reward/punishment for the children not finishing their lunch?
- Do the teachers make the children eat their lunches in a particular order? Ex: Sandwich before snack.
- What types of drinks do the children have with their lunch?
-Is it known if any of the children have diabetes?
-How does the cafeteria department determine which lunches should be served? -Is it based on a nutritional scale or on popularity of lunches bought?
-What are the most popular lunches bought by students?
-What are the least entres bought?
- Do students drink white milk more or chocolate?
- Does your school offer additional snacks or juice machines for students to purchase?
- Do students eat the fruits served or are they being wasted and thrown away?
-Are there any rules on what the child are or are not allowed to pack in their lunches?
-Are students sharing lunches?
3.Do the students trade foods?
-Are the lunch aids making sure the students are eating?
-What are the jobs of the lunch aids during lunch time?
-How many choices are there for the students who are buying their lunches at school?
-Do the parents have any say in what the children buy at school for lunch?
-Are there any lunches being served at schools that apply for students with allergies to food?
-Do the gym teaches explain the health benefits to eating well?
-What is the percentage of bought and brought foods in the public school?

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