Introduction- Exactly what person will see in your project.
Abstract- What you were aiming at, point of project.
Afterword- Conversational. What you've taken away from the project. (individual)
Collaborative Project midnight tonight
Presentations Thursday, 4/28
Reflective Statement, Monday 5/2 @ 6
Email Conference Monday 5/2 @ 6
Final Website Monday 5/2 @ 6
Conferences: Tuesday and Wednesday in Haw 210A

After working on this collaborative research project for approximately 3 weeks now, we are coming down to the very end. It's time to finalize our work and prepare it for presentation. I feel as though our research question was answered and we are going above and beyond by trying to figure out ways to further our project. We're looking at the results and seeing exactly where they can take us. What steps can we make to make this research effective to the common public? How can we make the research and hard work that we put into this project productive?

Determination will lead to our destination..

Every group set up their projects differently. Examples: All on the same page, Interview 1 on a page and Interview 2 on a separate page and links to each interview and pieces of the project.
*Disclaimer is helpful to warn viewers that there may be possible differences in groups websites.

I'm very curious how people were able to use different websites to upload their videos. I noticed that someone was able to upload an entire video (28 minutes worth) using Viddler. I tried this website with my 18 minute video and could not figure out how to upload it without receiving an error stating my video was too large.
How to put youtube video with a standstill picture and audio.
imovie- drag photo and drag audio, export as movie.

Reflective Letter:
How has this class impacted your writing?
How has this class impacted your notions about research?
How has this class impacted your notions and literacies in relation to technology? (twitterive, weebly, blogging, YouTube, Recording devices, and file formats)
Do you think you're going to maintain your website after class?
Talk about restraints weebly has.
How has it been trying to get research and interviewee's?

As of right now, there is a lot that still needs to be done with our projects. I still need to work on uploading the video to youtube. I need to review the tutorial on how to cut a video down into two parts. Also, our group needs to come together more on exactly what we need to do. I feel as though we're all kind of confused as to where our project is going, what sources to start looking for, and when to visit the schools.
1. Turns of Thought - done
2. Pleasures of Eating - done
3. Good Clean Fair - Alicia & Kait
4. Fast Food Nation - Intro - done
5. Omnivore's Dilemma - Kait
6. Collaborative Writing - Alicia
7. Narrative Inquiry - Jackie
8. Like It Was - Michelle
9. Interview - Jackie
10. Interview - Michelle
The following person interviewed, Ms. Pam Reilly, works at Durand Academy and Community Servies. Durand is a private special education school consisting of children from the ages of 5-16. Pam teaches a class of 9 students ranging from ages 9-13. This particular school does not have a cafeteria, so the children must pack their lunches every day. The interview was focused on whether or not the children seem to eat healthy.

Trying to figure out how to add the video of the interview without putting it up on YouTube.
Here is a list of questions my group has brainstormed over.
(some may be the same question twice or close to it. this is just a random list each group member came up )
- Do you usually see the same faces in the lunch lines?
- Do you consider the meals served to be healthy?
-Do the kids usually tend to buy the same meals?
-Do you consider the meals served in the cafeteria to be healthy?
- What are you doing to improve the health of your students?
-Do the kids usually eat all of their lunch? If not, which parts aren't they eating?
-How did you company decide on the meals you serve?
- Is the health of the children a top priority?
-Are the children eating all of the food they bring from home?
-Do you consider their packed meals to be healthy?
-How many of the students buy lunch?
-Is it always the same children?
-What type of meals are the parents packing their children?
- Do the children eat all of their lunch?
- Do certain children have generally the same lunch every day?
- What percentage of kids have fruit in their lunch?
- What is the most popular food that children have in their lunch?
- If the children don't have a lunch, what are their options at school?
- Is there a certain reward/punishment for the children not finishing their lunch?
- Do the teachers make the children eat their lunches in a particular order? Ex: Sandwich before snack.
- What types of drinks do the children have with their lunch?
-Is it known if any of the children have diabetes?
-How does the cafeteria department determine which lunches should be served? -Is it based on a nutritional scale or on popularity of lunches bought?
-What are the most popular lunches bought by students?
-What are the least entres bought?
- Do students drink white milk more or chocolate?
- Does your school offer additional snacks or juice machines for students to purchase?
- Do students eat the fruits served or are they being wasted and thrown away?
-Are there any rules on what the child are or are not allowed to pack in their lunches?
-Are students sharing lunches?
3.Do the students trade foods?
-Are the lunch aids making sure the students are eating?
-What are the jobs of the lunch aids during lunch time?
-How many choices are there for the students who are buying their lunches at school?
-Do the parents have any say in what the children buy at school for lunch?
-Are there any lunches being served at schools that apply for students with allergies to food?
-Do the gym teaches explain the health benefits to eating well?
-What is the percentage of bought and brought foods in the public school?
1. What are children eating in school?
2. Brain food vs. junk food?  
3. "Are we fat?" 
4.  What is the percentage of obesity in children? 
5. Do genetics play a role? 
6. Stats in obesity among different of other countries?
7. What are schools doing to help children stay fit? 
8. Do parents care?   
9. Diabetes in children?  
10. How to coast play a factor in food?